By combining the current_page? helper with dynamic classes, we can build a nav that's styled differently based on the page we're on. Here's an example —
Dynamic nav in a Ruby on Rails app, using the current_page? and class_names helper methods.
Nav bars. You've got one, I've got one — almost every Rails app has a nav.
I've finally built a nav I'm happy with, and I wanted to share it with you all! This nav combines the current_page? helper with dynamic classes (under the hood, the class_names helper).
The final result? Conditional styling based on the page we're on. In this example, we use this to style our "active" page with a red underline.
Before we get to the example, I want to look at the current_page? helper, and how conditional classes work in our Rails views.
The current_page? helper
current_page? is a helper method defined inside ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper (view the source).
We pass it a path or URL, and it returns true if we're on that page.
For example, if we open our Rails app and visit the root_path of our app, current_path?(root_path) will be true.
The current_path? helper takes a few more optional arguments, but we've covered the crux of it. I'm sure it has a wide range of uses, but I typically use it for adding dynamic styles to my UIs (like we're doing with this navbar).
Conditional classes (using the class_names helper)
The class_names helper (itself just an alias for ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper.token_list, source) was introduced as part of Rails 6.1 to make conditionally applying classes in your views easier.
We can use it implicitly in our views like this —
# class-1 applied, class-2 not
<%= tag.p class:["class-1":true,"class-2":false]%># output
We can use the class_names helper (implicitly) with any ActionView helper that accepts a class: attribute (tag helpers like tag.p, link_to like below, and more). We can even use it inside ViewComponents!
The advantage of the class_names helper is cleaner view code — rather than interpolating classes inside your views (<p class="<%= "class-1" if true %>">), we let Rails handle everything.
Building a dynamic navbar
Here's the nav! Combining current_path? with the class_names helper (implicitly) inside our link_to tag makes dynamically applying classes easy.
The first group of classes inside our link_to are always applied. The second group are applied if we're on the current path (current_path?(...) == true), otherwise the third group apply (!current_path?(...) == true).
You can expand and adjust this as needed, but it's a perfect starting point for a simple, dynamic nav for your Ruby on Rails app.
Here's the same code packaged up as a ViewComponent. I've been diving into ViewComponents lately and I'm loving them. If you prefer regular partials though, you can use the code from above.
Note: We call def before_render instead of def initialize since we need access to the path helpers. Learn more from the ViewComponent docs.
I hope you found this article useful! This dynamic nav is something I pulled out of RailsNotes UI, and initially started as a tweet. People seemed to enjoy it, so I thought I'd turn it into something less transient.
I also hope you've learned something new! The current_path? helper is one I use all the time, and class_names is also growing on me. Both are super handy!
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