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Some ViewComponent tips (how I write them)


After spending years building with ViewComponents, including building an entire Rails email component library, I've got some handy tips to share!

From organizing your Rails ViewComponents with namespaces (and overwriting Zeitwerk in the process) to using alias to create nicer slot helpers, there's bound to be something interesting here for you.

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If you're reading this, you know about ViewComponents. Odds are that like me, you love them! You've probably also heard of Phlex, but decided to favour ViewComponents. You might even be keeping up with recent Rails improvements, like allowing templates to define which locals they accept.

Most of all though, like me, you want to get better with ViewComponents. I'm always on the lookout for new tips, and better ways I can write them.

I love ViewComponents (I'm not shy about it!), and in this article, I want to share some of my favourite tips with you — little tweaks and hacks I use with ViewComponents. Let's go!

Namespace your components!

I put this first not to blow your mind (that might come later), but because it makes so much sense. Use namespaces! They'll help you organise all your components.

I namespace all my components, and try to use namespaces that indicate where the components will be used.

For example, for RailsNotes UI, I use these namespaces —

  • Marketing:: — ViewComponents for the marketing section of the app. The pricing grid, hero section, newsletter form etc.
  • UI:: — ViewComponents for the application UI, like buttons, headings, flash messages etc.
  • Email:: — The RailsNotes UI email component libary, for the preview pages.

The ViewComponent generator supports namespaces — just include it in your generator command —

❯ rails g component ui::card
      create  app/components/ui/card_component.rb

The UI:: namespace is my favourite. I use it in all the time to hold the main app UI components.

Tweak Zeitwerk for the perfect namespaces

By default, Zeitwerk (the Rails auto-loader) will convert underscore_cased/ folder names into SentenceCased:: namespaces.

If you place components in the folder frontend_marketing/, you'd use the namespace FrontendMarketing::.

Sometimes, this isn't what you want! The most common case I run into is with components in a ui/ folder — by default, Zeitwerk loads them under the Ui:: namespace, rather than UI::.

We can tweak that with a custom Zeitwerk initializer —

Rails.autoloaders.main.inflector.inflect("ui" => "UI")

Read the thread on Twitter: thread

This lets us place components inside components/ui, but use the namespace UI::, rather than Ui::. For example, UI::Button, rather than Ui::Button.

You could use this to generate uppercase namespaces like FAQ::, or lowercase ones like app:: (but that's kinda weird 😅). Overall this is a handy little tweak I love, to organise my ViewComponents just the way I like.

Try Inline templates

This is probably the most controversial tip here 😳, but I'm a big fan of inline templates!

By that, I mean passing an <<~ERB heredoc to erb_template, inside my ViewComponents —

class UI::FlashMessages < ViewComponent::Base
  def initialize; end

  erb_template <<~ERB
    <% flash&.each do |type, msg| %>
    <% end %>

This is different from the default ViewComponent style of writing your component logic in a component.rb Ruby file, and the component template in a component.html.erb ERB file.

You can manually convert a component by including an erb_template <<~ERB heredoc, or you can generate components with the --inline option —

❯ rails g component ui::card --inline
      create  app/components/ui/card_component.rb

I like writing inline components because the entire component lives in a single file, rather than spread over two (similar to React).

There are some drawbacks though, the main one being editor support. It's terrible!

I hope this changes, but currently, editors (VS Code, RubyMine) handle inline templates badly — poor code formatting, poor linting, etc. I persist with writing components like this because I really like everything living together, but it's not the React/JSX-style experience I want — it's more like coding in Notepad.

To sidestep this a bit, I like to prototype ERB code in a html.erb view. Then, I extract it into a component, to avoid writing too much code in the inline template.

This is personal preference more than anything, but I think people forget about the inline template option. It's got a lot of drawbacks, but it's still my favorite way of writing ViewComponents.

Take advantage of #before_render

You'll probably stumble on the error "#controller can't be used during initialization" when writing ViewComponents —

`#controller` can't be used during initialization,
as it depends on the view context that only exists
once a ViewComponent is passed to the Rails render pipeline.

It's sometimes possible to fix this issue
by moving code dependent on `#controller` to a `#before_render` method.

What does it mean? It means that you've tried to call methods or Rails helpers inside the #initialize method of your component, when they aren't available. I normally encounter this when I use Rails path helpers (root_path, posts_path, etc) inside #initialize, when I'm building components like nabars and buttons.

So do what the message says, and use #before_render!

For instance, in my dynamic navbar article, we use before_render to instantiate the @nav_links of our navbar —

class UI::Nav < ViewComponent::Base
  def initialize

  def before_render
    @nav_links = [
      {name: "Pricing", path: pricing_path},
      {name: "Components", path: components_path},
      {name: "Docs", path: documentation_path},


Drop the _component suffix from your files

Of course your ViewComponents are components!

They live inside app/components. You don't need _component at the end of each filename, and names like NavComponent, TableComponent etc. are repetitive.

But, when you generate a component, your auto-generated files all have the _component suffix —

❯ rails g component ui::nav --inline
      create  app/components/ui/nav_component.rb

And your component names end with Component to match —

class UI::NavComponent < ViewComponent::Base

You can change this! Just rename ui/nav_component.rb to ui/nav.rb, and UI::NavComponent to UI::Nav — it keeps your file tree a bit nicer, and your views a bit cleaner.

You end up with a component like this —

class UI::Nav < ViewComponent::Base

Much better 👌

Alias your slot helpers

I stole this one from the presentation slides of @rstankov.

ViewComponents let you define slots, which let you pass one component to another, and render them. They also let you define polymorphic slots, which let you build great, composable component layouts.

Typically, to pass a component to a slot, you'd write code like —

<%= render do |cp| %>
  <% cp.with_column(...) %>
<% end %>

You end up writing with_{slot_component} a lot.

For a tiny quality-of-life improvement, we can alias the with_{slot_component} method to {slot_component}, like this —

class Email::ColumnPair < Email::Base
  renders_many :columns
  alias column with_column


The Ruby alias keyword let's us define additional names for the same method. In this case, we define column to be another name for the with_column method.

Now we can write code like this —

<%= render do |cp| %>
  <% cp.column(...) %>
<% end %>

In this case. we're writing col.column, rather than col.with_column. It's a tiny thing, but it keeps your views a little cleaner.

By combining aliased slot helpers with dropped component suffixes (from earlier) we can really tidy up our views.

Consider building pages entirely from components

This is the final tip, and it starts with an example. Below is the Rails view for one of the RailsNotes UI landing pages —

<%= render %>
<%= render %>
<%= render %>
<%= render %>
<%= render %>
<%= render %>
<%= render %>

No extra HTML, just ViewComponents (most of these components render other components).

Writing the page like this has made it easy to re-order and experiment with the layout. It also makes the structure of the page extremely obvious.

I'm sure this technique won't work for every situation (in many, it's probably a terrible idea!), but it's worth thinking about, and it's worked well for me.

Another example would be the RailsNotes UI ActionMailer email templates, which are built entirely from ViewComponents —

<%= render do |email| %>
  <% email.masthead_image(src: "", alt_text: "RailsNotes UI Logo") %>

  <%= render "Please click this button!") %>
  <%= render "This template is for asking your users to do one specific thing. Maybe it's to reset their password, or download a file.") %>
  <%= render "When you want to get a button clicked, use this!") %>

  <%= render "Click me →", href: "") %>
<% end %>


Thanks for reading! If you couldn't tell, I think ViewComponents and Rails are a perfect pairing. It's my long-term hope that they get merged into Rails core, or at least push Rails to improve it's own partials/templating system.

I really, really would love to hear your thoughts on this and any other ViewComponent tips you've learned using them in your Ruby on Rails apps.

Reach out to me on Twitter @hrrsnbbnt, or email me at

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