If you're after a Stimulus controller to handle tabs in your Ruby on Rails app, look no further. This controller handles toggling between multiple tabs, choosing a default tab, and adding CSS classes to the corresponding button.
Here's the tabs_controller in action —
Our Stimulus tabs controller in action, ready to sprinkle into your Ruby on Rails app.
This is a short article! I figure that you're probably on a mission right now to add tabs to your Ruby on Rails app, and are searching around for a Stimulus controller to help you.
Lucky for you, this tabs controller works great. I've been using it over at RailsNotes UI, like in the GIF above, and it's been very solid.
Handy tip — Set all your non-default tabs to be hidden! This removes the ugly "flashing in" effect that comes from your Stimulus controller taking a second to load. If your tabs aren't hidden by default, they'll first render, and then a second later get hidden by the tabs_controller. The TailwindCSS hidden class makes hiding your inactive tabs easy.
With that said, here's the code! I hope you find it useful. Further down, I also show you how to tweak the basic tabs controller to allow hiding all tabs, plus walk you through all the different data attributes you need to set in your views.
The tabs code is just below, but to start with, you need to generate the controller. Do this by running —
rails g stimulus tabs
This uses the Rails generator for Stimulus controllers (you can learn more by typing rails g stimulus). It creates a tabs_controller.js inside app/javascript/controllers, which is perfect.
And now for the tabs controller! I've added a few comments, but it's pretty straightforward. When our tabs controller connects(), we hide all tabs, then open the default one and style it's corresponding button correctly.
When we switch tabs and trigger the select() method, we do the same thing — hiding everything, then showing the selected tab and style it's button.
// app/javascript/controllers/tabs_controller.jsimport{Controller}from"@hotwired/stimulus"// Connects to data-controller="tabs"//exportdefaultclassextendsController{static classes =['active']static targets =["btn","tab"]static values ={defaultTab:String}connect(){// first, hide all tabsthis.tabTargets.map(x=> x.hidden=true)// then, show the default tablet selectedTab =this.tabTargets.find(element=> element.id===this.defaultTabValue) selectedTab.hidden=false// and activate the selected buttonlet selectedBtn =this.btnTargets.find(element=> element.id===this.defaultTabValue) selectedBtn.classList.add(...this.activeClasses)}// switch between tabs// add to your buttons: data-action="click->tabs#select"select(event){// find tab matching (with same id as) the clicked btnlet selectedTab =this.tabTargets.find(element=> element.id=== event.currentTarget.id)if(selectedTab.hidden){// hide everythingthis.tabTargets.map(x=> x.hidden=true)// hide all tabsthis.btnTargets.map(x=> x.classList.remove(...this.activeClasses))// deactive all btns// then show selected selectedTab.hidden=false// show current tab event.currentTarget.classList.add(...this.activeClasses)// activate current button}}}
Thank you to /u/isometriks on Reddit for helping me improve this controller!
Editing tabs_controller.js to allow closing all tabs
In the tabs_controller above, we only show/hide a tab if it's hidden — you can see that in the select() event, where we have the if (selectedTab.hidden) condition.
We can edit our tabs controller to allow us to close all our tabs and just show... nothing.
We just need to add a few lines to our tabs_controller.js, like this —
// switch between tabs// add to your buttons: data-action="click->tabs#select"select(event){// find tab matching (with same id as) the clicked btnlet selectedTab =this.tabTargets.find(element=> element.id=== event.currentTarget.id)if(selectedTab.hidden){// hide everythingthis.tabTargets.map(x=> x.hidden=true)// hide all tabsthis.btnTargets.map(x=> x.classList.remove(...this.activeClasses))// deactive all btns// then show selected selectedTab.hidden=false// show current tab event.currentTarget.classList.add(...this.activeClasses)// activate current button}// the code below enables showing no tabs// clicking on an active tab will close it, hiding everythingelse{// Hide all tabs, deactivate all buttonsthis.tabTargets.map(x=> x.hidden=true)this.btnTargets.map(x=> x.classList.remove(...this.activeClasses))// deactive all btns}}
Connecting the tabs_controller to your HTML
Here's a simple, cut-back example of the tabs_controller in action. I pulled this out of the main RailsNotes UI app.
You can see that we have two tabs, tab1 and tab2. We set tab1 as the default tab value, which corresponds to the <div> with id=tab1. The <button> which switches to tab1 has a matching ID.
Since tab1 is the default tab value, we set tab2 to be hidden (using TailwindCSS). This prevents the "flashing in" effect I mentioned earlier.
<divdata-controller="tabs"data-tabs-active-class="bg-gray-900 text-gray-100"data-tabs-default-tab-value="tab1"><!-- buttons to toggle between tabs --><divclass="flex"><buttonid="tab1"data-tabs-target="btn"data-action="click->tabs#select">Tab1</button><buttonid="tab2"data-tabs-target="btn"data-action="click->tabs#select">Tab2</button></div><!-- the tabs --><divclass="rounded-lg border"><divdata-tabs-target="tab"id="tab1"> <%= @tab1 content %>
</div><!-- tab 2 is hidden by default, to prevent 'flashing in' --><divdata-tabs-target="tab"id="tab2"class='hidden'> <%= @tab2 content %>
Note: A few people have let me know that having duplicate id's in your HTML goes against best practice. All I can say is that I've been using this controller in production, and it's working great. Just a heads up.
https://blog.corsego.com/stimulusjs-tabs — this is where I derived the controller from. I've made some small edits, but this is the original version. Kudos to the author, Yaroslav Shmarov, for a handy controller.
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